coming soon For many years, LWBot has served our SA-MP server and with annoying messages. Now that we're modernizing our instant communication medium, we need to modernize LWBot too! introducing: lwbot LWBot is planned to be a bot to serve our discord server with some cool, spangly features. Development is ongoing to make LWBot cool, but for the time being here are some nifty features that have been implemented. There will be more that will be added in the future! SA-MP server echo LWBot currently echos messages to #echo-samp on our discord server. LWBot at the moment logs chat messages, kills/deaths (with cool custom emojis!) and joins/parts. Players can also interact with players in the server by typing !say in the echo channel. Server information There are two commands to show information regarding our servers. The first is !users which displays a list of current list of active people on discord. The second is !ips which displays the IP address of both our VC-MP and SA-MP server. !users !ips Fun stuff There's also some other stuff which is quite cool but doesn't really serve any purpose. !spell !adventuretime