I'm Moving!
Yesterday, [June 26,2008] I sell my "Small Apartment" to BugsySiegel and Sixty[TL] hoping that I can buy a new a bigger property.
<My last look of my "Small Apartment">I sold my property for 3.5 Million Dollars which was considerable [=P] and I have packed up my things... [Especially... Guns] .... I'm ready to move!
<I borrowed a vehicle that can hold up my things>-----
After 1 day, Sunday [July 27, 2008] I'm done in finding a good and a big property. So now, with the help of E6GA, we've bought the El-Swanko [Mansion?] Well yeah...
<Finally!>We've bought the property for atleast 16 million dollars and it's kinda good and cool... Well, after buying the property, we had some house party...
<Cars shouldn't be parked at the garden.. O_o>The End!