<&RostySpoon> ** Abdo* killed [SS]Eddy. (Sniper Rifle) (Head)
<&RustySpoon> [34] Bhai: xD
<&RastySpoon> ** Abdo* killed [TpS]Kelvin (Sniper Rifle) (Head)
<&RostySpoon> * Abdo* is on a killing spree of 20! ($2000)
<&RustySpoon> Admin [ss]eddy. banned:[ Abdo* ] Reason:[ disturbing events ] Time left:[ 1 hour 1 second ]
<&RastySpoon> >> [12] Abdo* left the server. (Kicked)
<&RostySpoon> [0] p4t: lol he's so dumb
<&RustySpoon> [0] p4t: abdo
I was organizing an event with p4t/ratchet in front of the army and you killed me and others, you were disturbing the event, you were banned for 1 hour, denied.