Time and date (if known): since 2 (hours) AND EVERY DAY
Suspected method of cheat/exploit/rule break used: AIMLOCK, AIMBOT,Y-AXI LOCK
Evidence: information: This gay made 10 spree on me by m4 .... fighting him seems like stats padding
WTF his gameplay compleletly like bots , cs bots and computer bots
try fight him with spaz,shotgun,stubby he dies like chicken and you feel like fighting those bots who are using the uzi vs you
pfffft i got bored BAN THIS NOOB.
(the quality again Ive reduced it for the upload i can't wait 3 hours
isn't my turn time , and if i do the hd quality it will take about 1.5 week or more [Thats whY])