Author Topic: How to: Customize your characters appearance ingame! [Skin Changer]  (Read 5699 times)

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Offline Yennah

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You can use the following steps below to change your characters skin ingame to get a more unique look:

1) Go to and search through the available skins.

2) Once you have found one, click on the page to enter it and copy either the name of the account/skin or the UUID found on the page.

3) Ingame open the chatbox and type /skin <skinname> or /skin <UUID> and press enter. Your skin will now be updated and should be visible to others.

You can also use the command /skinsearch ingame which will allow you to select from a random list of skins available on the server.

We plan to bring the ability to the server for people to upload their own skin files directly to the server in future. However, for now if you wish to upload your own skin files you will need to purchase your own official Minecraft account ( and upload the skin that way as the skin system pulls from official Mojang account names.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2019, 02:31:32 PM by Yennah »