Nick used whilst ingame: Sidemechal
Time and Date that you were banned: month ago
Suspected Reason (if any): ban evade IP Address: I don't remember
PAC ID: I don't remember
Admin that banned you (if known): Alpays, Halcther
Extra notes: I'm really bored into the other server, I'm wasting a lot of time, I play with others and I don't enjoy it as much as LW, I have made a big mistake. I admit you forgive me,One thing I don't understand I have spent a whole month in others, Halcther told me that if you do not come in one month, we shall unban you, I came here once a month by mistake and I got such a big ban on the server, Halchter already told me that your ban time won't be decreased and since it seems you have evaded the ban again ban expire date has been set to 09/02/2022, You are doing me injustice,
you have any proof, show it to me, I told you before that I came to the server once by mistake because I was going to the other server, You are lying that I have mistaked again, Can i ask you something, Please teach me how you talk lie You lie well so you are successful. True people do not value