same for Ella/Nado/whatever his name is, shes fake too
thank you for that. If thats what you wish to believe, you go do that. I don't really care : / I know who i am... as do my friends. Also i might aswell add that 'Nado' is actually my older brother. Once again, it's ur choice if you wish to believe that or not. I know it's the truth, but i guess you have the right to differ. So go for it, knock yourself out.
please, dont get me started. you were in a fucking hospital, in a COMA for crying out loud. the day after you woke up you got out and went to a party? the fuck?
well i plan to do 6 form at wisbech (the collage of west anglia) then maybe become a hairdresser after 
hehe, well ill eirther become a dancer, go to london and so on from there, or ill be a mathematics nerd hehe... as im only at GCSE level at the moment (16) and im currently getting degree (21-25) mathmatics questions right. Hard but after a few mistakes i started getting them right 
2. who changes their thoughts that fast? and they're completely different too. maybe stuff like that happens but why would you become a hairdresser if you have the brains of a math nerd? i'd become a baker if i wasnt ''smart'', but im glad i am and im going to use it (gotta love being cocky)
3. when i ''returned'' to lw begin 2009 i saw a ''nado'' playing. since i knew a [PvA]Nado from my pva time i said hey sup, long time no see and all. some days later you said ''im a girl..yeah i dont want people to know it since i dont want to get all the attention''. now youre posting pics of yourself all over the place. also, some weeks later the same nado was playing and you denied that you were in PvA since it was ''your brother''.
4. other stuff? i thought you were ill and all? and you told me once in those ''couple of months that you were ''ill'' (what you said in your almost dead topic) that you were busy with all kinds of sports. o well
5. you know a damn lot about scripting and computers for a girl who wants to become a hairdresser
youve posted 1001 pictures of yourself, just post one of yourself holding a sign saying ''dominator is a cocksucker'' and you wont hear me again about this subject