Training Lands is finally online!
"Clan Training Server" is old news! It's time to play in your very own clan password protected zone,
and when you get bored, you can just join a public zone and train with others.
This is the main idea behind Training Lands. Enjoy these etat de l'art mapping touches by Fuse,
and don't forget checking our popular /racetrack .....
We decided to take it step by step till we reach what is planned for this server, because ideas got big!
In the meantime, you can get introduced to our new hangout zone. Watch the launching video then check, hosted by Serverffs.
Notice: ALL 1 month old + clans already have their zones pre-mapped, just
PM me to get your Training Land password.
Current/Future scripters: PawnFox, Fuse, Sjitty, and Carolicious