You broke a rule. Flaming xristina has nothing to do with hyp3r (Hyp3r just reported your flaming). You flamed xristina using jets' nickname. You were kicked for flaming xristina using another member's name.
Flaming is the first mistake.
Using another member's name to flame is the second mistake.
(However, I replied your pm on forums, read it, that's the only way you can join us back -if you're still interested-)
I'm not happy that you're leaving, I think that you should've explained to me what do you think about kicking metallica instead of leaving suddenly. What's really shocking me is that Metallica flamed xristina using your name, I thought that you'll be the first one who'll get annoyed sicne he used YOUR name.
In other words: I kicked Metallica thinking that I'm saving your right, but you left because I kicked him.