PawnFox ez congratulations!
jOjOz,awesome drawing! Hoping to meet you ingame soon!
x)) I miss TMQ,Tiko,Siisor,pono,Hatz,Saze,Heineken & others...
You probably have a good taste! The Mazar miss you too.
Yay! Thankies, jOjOz!
Hope you like it! (I'm still a newbie to photoshop x) )
I laik it mucho! You're pure yellow men. < 3
Another invasion,i assume?
Awesome stuff jOjO!
Thank you lovez. You might see us more frequently now, still not comparable to a possible future tragedy. x)
TL ftw! and awesomw jOjO, keep the clan going on and let it pure by the mazar
We're self lead by the power of her majesty.
wooooosaaah master
Slaaaaid lovvvvv! < 3
Awesome, jOj0!
Well we could do a clan war against InC, but I think they will not invite us, dunno the reason.
Freaklovez, you're welcome there anytime.
Hail mazar!!! Nice work jOjO & Fusez!
Ayes, Fusey does spend much time to make her happy!
Ya'll bunch of nubs.