Post here if you want to fight and can be there the 21st around 8pm GMT.
The higher up on each list, the safer you are.
- RW and WW
- Slice
- Alvarez
- [JOKER]S3rs
- faraday
- [BB]Meth
- [Deagle]
- [BB]Zaha
- [CJ]
- RW only
- Chainer
- [Nx]Dominator
- KmanN
- [Nx]Driven
- Szente
- [Th3_KiLLeR]
- [JOKER]BangBus
- [Nx]Hybrid
- Carolicious (put at the bottom by request)
- -
- -
- -
- -
- [Forgive] (stop spamming in PMs and in this topic now, thanks)
- WW only
- [SAE]Zegro
- Scott
- [JOKER]DickGhost
- BiG_Sm0k3
You can still post here if you
can and want to play, no need to post twice though.
If you're not in the list or want to be moved up higher don't complain, just don't.