Author Topic: [LWW2015] The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 16.08.2015 - 29.08.2015  (Read 63951 times)

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Offline Aryan

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That is awesome. But, when are these events exactly?
All events will happen during the two weeks from the 15th of August to 28th of August. They will start at 08:15PM (GMT+5.30) and will run for 5 to 6 hours each day.

1. Sunday: RW-Day
  • RW Duel Tournament: RW only 1v1 tournament. 1P / won duel, half points lost when eliminated, forfeit anytime to keep all points.
  • RW Arena: RW FFA, closed interiours. LMS 1P/round.
  • The 9MM Challenge: Kill most targets with 9MM in 30 mins. Other weps allowed, but kills must be done with 9MM only (not silenced). Winner 1P/target killed with 9MM. Everyone else half their points.
  • Sawnoff only: FFA, Sawnoffs only. LMS 1P/round.
  • RW Team Deatmatch: RW TDM without respawns. LTS (last team standing) 1P/alive member.
  • Sawnoff Driveby versus Parachutes: 1-3 players w/ sawnoffs in passenger-DB in standing car versus a big team of players with parachutes only. 1P/living parachuter if the car is destroyed, otherwise 2P every drivebyer.
  • open end RW: Simple RW FFA running until we get tired. Just for the fun - no points.
2. Monday: Free-For-All-Day
  • Richman Contest: Mixed weapon FFA, seven of the Richman mansions, without respawns. House owners there may not use house spawns, however the owner of the house the current round is held at is allowed to invite people into his house. Owners may not enter their houses if the current round is not held on their property. LMS 1P/round.
  • Blueberry Projects open DM: Open FFA @Blueberry project buildings. No weapons provided, buy your favourite set, request to be added between the rounds. Armor refills provided, vending machine @location for health refills. LMS 1P/round.
  • Revolving Area DM: Mixed weapon FFA in changing locations. LMS 1P/round.
  • Purply Dildo LastManStanding: Purple Dildo only FFA. LMS 1P/round.
  • Spas only: FFA, combat shotgun only. LMS 1P/round.
  • Las Venturas Police Department FFA: Open fight for everyone @LVPD. Everyone with cop skin is provided WW weapons. Just for fun, no points.
  • Silent Forest: A silenced 9MM FFA with Camos and money for 5 mins. LMS 2P.
3. Tuesday: Day of Fire
  • Grenades only: FFA, Nades only and respawns. Winner decided by Sudden-Death. LMS 1P/round.
  • Flamethrower FreeForAll: Flamethrower only. LMS 1P/round.
  • Satchels + Chainsaws: FFA, closed area, satchels and chainsaws. LMS 1P/round.
  • Minigun TDM: TDM + respawns, Minigun only. Winners decided by Sudden-Death after 10 mins. LTS 1P/live member.
  • Minigun Tag: Player with full HP, Minigun only but no armor versus everyone else. NO interiours, cars, vending machines for the tagged gunner. Killing the gunner gives the tag, 1P and the minigun to the killer.
  • Rockets versus Hunter: One Hunter versus many players with RPGs. Just for fun - no points.
  • Warface Coop-Event: 4 well-armed players (Warface team), to be rescued by a team of 2 helicopters, against a team of 6-8 mediocre-armed players (Blackwood team). Blackwood wins 1P/live member by killing Warface before they are rescued. Warface wins 1P/live member by killing Blackwood or being rescued and returned to base.
4. Wednesday: Beach Party Night
  • Blade Runner: One guy in Raindance versus many unarmed players onfoot. Rules: Do not leave the sand. 1 per helikill, everyone gets a go.
  • Hide and Seek: Unarmed hiders, 1 seeker with sniper. Find and shoot hiders. A shot hider respawns as seeker. Last hider each round wins 2P and becomes next 1st seeker.
  • Foot Race: Unarmed onfoot race up Mt. Chilliad. Winner: 2P, second place 1P. Fisting allowed.
  • Drunk LMS: Everyone gets drunk in a bar. If all money is gone, guns will be handed out. No entering the prop CP @location. 1P/round for the last man sober.
  • Sleeved Aces: 1 hour, make most money by casino gambling. Shooting people in casino + using /gc allowed. Melee attacks (bug abuse) and banking (deposit/withdraw) forbidden. Transfering money from secondary accounts disqualifies. 5P for the winner.
  • Drift Fest: Drift race series. NO ruining, NO monstertrucks. Car class restrictions possible. 1P/winner.
  • B-I-K-E: NRG-500 stunting game. Each participant in order shows the group a stunt challenge. If he makes the stunt, rest of the group tries it too. If he fails, next player gets a go. Everyone failing takes one letter of 'BIKE'. Who acquires a full BIKE is disqualified. 5P for best stunter, 3P/2nd place, 1P/third place.
5. Thursday: Racing Day
  • The San Andreas Challenge: Circuit and P2P race series. Car or car class restrictions possible, announced and/or provided before race. Winner takes 1P/race
  • Crash Derby: Car crash derbies, changing location. Car restrictions possible, in case cars will be provided. Different derby types w/ changing rules, announced before the derbies start. LMS 1P/round.
  • Underwater Race: Single race, underwater. 2P for the winner.
  • Securicar Race: Series of 3 races restricted to Securicars only. Winner 3P/race.
  • Thriathalon: Multidiscipline races, ranging from classic thriathalon to special types, announced before each race. Winner 2P/race.
  • pro.togue: The official Togue Challenge for top drifters. Togue = 1vs1 downhill timeattack duel. The races are driven head-to-head, means both racers go down the track together. The racer with the lowest (track time / car health) ratio wins 1P each race. Restricted to cars only. No trucks/bikes/monsters/etc. Strictly no ruining. Rules: Stay on paved road, don't leave the track.
  • Lowrider Cup: Race event restricted only to cars tunable in Loco Low Co. Cars may be provided. Ruining disallowed. 1P/race won.
6. Friday: Gang Day
  • DTM: Desert Turf Madness: Gang fights (minimum 2 members) for the 3 desert turfs @Desert Ammunation. No mixed clan gangs. No server rule breaks. Everything else allowed. /setspawn explicitly allowed for this one. Starts inside Desert Ammunation and goes 45 mins. Winning gang (2/3 turfs) takes 2P/member. Turfs @war (flashing) at end of the event don't count. If there is no certain winner after end, the event will be extended until a decision is brought.
  • GangNAM: One gang fight for the single North Ammunation turf. The gang owning the turf after 30 mins wins 1P/member. If the turf is still @war after the end of 30 mins, the event will be extended until a gang takes over.
  • Battle LV: Gang fight for all turfs in LV, gang with most turfs after 60 mins wins 2P/member. If there is no certain winner at the end, the event is extended until there is. Turfs @war don't count.
  • Bikergang Race: Single race, restricted to Freeway bike only. The entire gang the winning player is member in receives 1P/member.
  • Defend!: One gang picks one turf to defend for 10 mins. If they can hold it, every member receives 1P, if not, every member of the conquering gang receives 1P. If the turf is @war after 10 mins, the round will be extended until it falls to either gang. Every gang with 2+ members can get a go, if desired.
  • Top Spree: Simple, 30 mins to acquire top spree. No padding. Ending other's sprees allowed. Highest spree killer after 30 mins receives his number of kills in points. Spree must be >= 5 kills to be recognized.
  • The Great Hunt: Hunt targets. Kill targets. Player with most target kills after 45 mins receives his number of rekt targets as points. No padding.
7. Saturday: Special Events Saturday One
  • Cluckin' Bell Challenge: Race for the 12 Cluckin' Bells around SA. The CB's will be tagged randomly, first one to arrive @tagged Cluckin' Bell scores 1P.
  • Hard Core Event: FFA and TDM, very low HP, only 4 weps (primary, secondary, melee, special), low ammo. Weapons decided before each round. Winners 1P/round.
  • Jefferson Motel Madness: Be the only one inside the Jefferson Motel interiour after 30 mins, score 10P. If there is >1 player inside, each only gets 1P.
  • Marked Man: Simple bounty hunt. Except bounty is high. And the hunted guy wants to be hunted. No interiours, no weapons provided, no /kill. Good luck. The bounty + 1P for the kill, 1P/5 mins for the alive Marked Man.
  • Our's is thy ship!: A TDM with strictly teams of 2, set spawns around LV. Dominate the Pirate Ships! The team being alone on any of the 3 ship objects with both members after 15 mins receives 5P each player. If they're not alone, every player on the ship objects gets 1P.
  • Let-me-sell-my-petrol: TDM without respawns. Areas are gas stations. Mediocre weapondry. LTS 1P/round, or 2P/round if they've destroyed the other team's station during the fights.
  • House Wars: Random house wars at volunteering (or not) player's houses. Just for fun - no points.
8. Sunday: Cooldown Day
no events on that day
  • Rocket Walk: A walking event, with RPGs.
9. Monday: Walking Weapons Day
  • Deagle LMS: FFA, only Deagle, LMS 1P/round.
  • M4/Sniper TDM: TDM, only M4 and Sniper. No respawns. LTS 1P/live member.
  • M4/Shotgun TDM: As above with shotgun instead of sniper.
  • Rifle DM: Same as Deagle LMS, but with Country rifle.
  • AK47 TDM: Well, guess what...
  • Sniper LMS: You know how it works by now.
  • Flying Dutchman M4/Sniper/Grenades: A TDM on the flying ships above LV. LTS 1P/live member. Just for fun rounds with respawns afterwards possible.
10. Tuesday: Brawl Day - (Death explosion strictly DISALLOWED)
  • Boxing Tournament: A 1v1 Boxing tournament. Fighting styles allowed but not provided. Fists only, no brassknuckles. First place takes 5P home.
  • Katana Duels: 1v1, only Katana, the winner stays in the ring to fight the next player. Fights start on 30HP. Leaving the ring means loss. Dying 3 times disqualifies. If one contestant manages to defeat all others in one single streak, he immediately wins 5P and the event is over. If only 3 players are left, they will enter the ring together until one winner remains with 2P.
  • Liquor Bar Brawl: LMS @Liquor Bar in Blueberry. Brass Knuckles and Baseball bats. LMS 2P. No cars!
  • Stripper Beatdown: Same as above but inside Stripclub.
  • Chainsaw Party: LMS, Chainsaw only, Carnage. 2P for the last man standing.
  • Golf Wars: FFA with golf clubs @the Yellowbell Golf Course. Rules: no leaving the green. Carts allowed. LMS 2P/round.
  • Basic Instincts Killing: Fist-only LMS in a closed arena. Only the last survivor can win 5P.
11. Wednesday: Deathmatch in Motion
  • Rustler vs Rockets: Teams of 2 (one pilot, one wingman) fighting with rustlers and RPGs while flying. Last team airbourne wins 2P/player.
  • TRAINed Snipers: Sniper duels on moving trains. Falling off or death means loss. Winner 1P/round.
  • Fall Damage: TDM and/or FFA on falling cars high in the sky. 1P for the last survivors.
  • Fag Hunt: One player on Faggio/Pizzaboy versus the rest of the server. Killing that player wins 10P. There's a randomly announced save interiour for the Fag, across the map. If he reaches it, he is awarded 10P. No other interiours, no repairs, no other vehicles, no leaving the bike (falling off ok as long as the player immediately gets back on, if the bike is destroyed -> go onfoot). MP5 will be provided for the Faggiot.
  • Boat TDM: A TDM on Boats. LTS 1P/live member. The boats shouldn't be left unless they explode. Entering land disqualifies.
  • Vortex versus Rockets: Teams of 2 (one driver, one gunner) will fight against each other while jumping from Mt. Chilliad with Vortexes. LTS 1P/round.
  • Wingkill Event: Players on high spots versus players in Dodos trying to knock them off. That will score the pilot 1P. If the onfoot player kills the plane, he scores the point. If both go down, nobody gets the point. Weapon will most likely be RPG or M4.
12. Thursday: Aviation Day
  • Dogfight Duels: 1v1 Rustler duels, everyone versus everyone once. Winner 1P. Fights end with death or leaving the rustler.
  • Rustler Derby: All vs All in one big derby with Rustlers. Just for the fun - no points.
  • Fleet Battle: TDM of 2 teams using Rustlers. Last team flying wins 2P/airbourne member.
  • Heli Derby: A crash derby, with helis. The last heli flying scores 1P.
  • War Thunder: A weaponless TDM with respawns. The players can choose to either use Rustlers or Rhinos, both will be provided but limited to half team size each. Hold an objective for 3 minutes, which requires standing @ with a tank or landing with a Rustler which scores 1P/teammember if succesful. LTS versions also possible.
  • Dodo Race: A point-to-point race in Dodos. Simple. Winner 2P. Leaving or destroying the Dodo disqualifies. No ruining. Safe landing is required to win.
  • P-L-A-N-E: Same as B-I-K-E but with Rustlers. No shooting.
13. Friday: Teamdeathmatch Day
  • King of the Hill: TDM. Get to be the first team to destroy a boat placed on land. The player dying in the driverseat during explosion scores 1P/team member.
  • Long Distance TDM: Two teams, 2km distance, only one team can survive. No interiours, no trains. LTS 2P/live member.
  • Ships TDM: Series of TDM fights based upon ships around SA. LTS 1P/live member per round.
  • Area 69 TDM: A WW only TDM on the Area69 grounds. LTS 2P/live member.
  • Conquest Bone County: A TDM between the Cluckin' Bell and the gas station in Bone County. Multiple rounds possible. LTS 1P/live member.
  • Madd Dogg's Mansion Madness: TDM with respawns @Madd Dogg's Mansion. Team with most kills after 20 mins takes home 2P/member.
14. Saturday: Special Events Saturday Two - Final Day
  • Property Contest: Mandatory highlight of the LWW. Get most properties in 2 hours time and take home 10P (ten!). /setspawn, death explosion, camo, housespawns allowed, no weapons provided. Good luck!
  • Chainsaw vs Monster: Group of players with chainsaws vs player in monstertruck. Killing the truck =1P/live member of the chainsawers. The trucker earns 1P/killed chainsaw guy.
  • The Failand Clans: A TDM between three factions on the little island group called Failand in the Easter Bay. Three groups, the Empirees, the Militants and the Hermits, fight over their family feuds until death. Only one clan will take home 3P each member, if both the other clans have drowned in their own blood. Rules: Leaving the island further than a hundred meters will result in disqualification.
  • Left2Die: The ultimate co-op event. Two players with increasingly damaging weapondry versus hordes of zombies with increasingly brutal melee power. The survivors kill off all the zombies in 5 waves. Survivors 2P/wave when living, + 5P if they make it through the bonus wave. The zombies can earn 1P/zombie if they kill the survivors before the end of wave 5. Rules: no cars.
  • Dodo Drive-By Derby: Teams of 2 (one pilot, one gunner) will fight by drive-bying each other from flying Dodos. Multiple rounds with different weapons possible, Minigun is the standard. LTF 2P/member.
  • Rockets 4 All: RPGs for everyone. Just for fun - no points.
  • Chute + Minigun: FFA, landing with parachute on area and pwning with minigun. Just for fun.

Awesome i can't wait!
Stay tuned and don't be afraid to ask questions if something is still unclear. Don't forget to follow us on twitter for updates!

Winners of the previous years

2011: [LWK][JOKER]Matz - 5pts | 2012: [LWK][SWK]Slide - 54pts | 2013: [LWK][JOKER]Bikerr - 39pts2014: [LWK]Spitfire- 76pts

Check out last year's videos of the LWW!

« Last Edit: August 30, 2015, 10:50:46 PM by EnzoMortelli »

Offline Aryan

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Re: [LWW2015] The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 26.08.2015 - 09.09.2015
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2015, 10:53:33 PM »
you don't need to post  'count me in' just join on the time given above and enjoy!

Offline Slide

Re: [LWW2015] The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 26.08.2015 - 09.09.2015
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2015, 10:57:30 PM »
fckin 2012, year of the beastmode 8)

Offline enkei

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Re: [LWW2015] The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 26.08.2015 - 09.09.2015
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2015, 03:08:03 AM »
Damn, sounds incredible! Pretty sure last year I could attend approximately zero events because of my time zone and work schedule. Probably will be the same this year. Shit - I gotta take a vacation for this next year! Give me two months' heads up!!


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Re: [LWW2015] The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 26.08.2015 - 09.09.2015
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2015, 05:27:12 AM »
fckin 2012, year of the beastmode 8)
You were just lucky that i went easy on you  8)

Offline Puranjay

Re: [LWW2015] The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 26.08.2015 - 09.09.2015
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2015, 05:28:56 AM »
Finally  :o

Offline EnzoMortelli

Re: [LWW2015] The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 26.08.2015 - 09.09.2015
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2015, 07:29:01 AM »
Aye it's seven per day with a total of 92 as opposed to last year's 78 events.
Most of them are not really new, however some of the old one's have been re-imagined.
New are:
Sawnoff-DB vs Chute
Warface Co-op (based on last year's Rescue Mission)
Sleeved Aces
Drift Fest
Securicar Race
Lowrider Cup
Top Spree
Great Hunt
House Wars
TRAINed Snipers
Fall Damage
Wingkill Event (new in that form)
War Thunder (has been widely re-imagined from last year, now both teams have rustler & rhino)
Area69 TDM and
The Failand Clans
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 12:58:57 PM by EnzoMortelli »

Offline Aryan

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Re: [LWW2015] The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 15.08.2015 - 28.08.2015
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2015, 05:01:40 PM »
Well, seeing my time table, which sucks

I have change the date

New date!

 The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 16.08.2015 - 28.08.2015
« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 02:01:32 PM by Aryan »

Offline Puranjay

Re: [LWW2015] The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 15.08.2015 - 28.08.2015
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2015, 05:38:22 PM »
Well, seeing my time table, which sucks

I have change the date

New date!

 The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 16.08.2015 - 28.08.2015
Perfect For Me <3
« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 02:01:55 PM by Aryan »


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Re: [LWW2015] The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 15.08.2015 - 28.08.2015
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2015, 05:56:58 PM »
Well, seeing my time table, which sucks

I have change the date

New date!

 The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 16.08.2015 - 28.08.2015
« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 02:01:46 PM by Aryan »

Offline [JOKER]Zaibatsu

Re: [LWW2015] The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 15.08.2015 - 28.08.2015
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2015, 06:27:42 PM »
i see some events can be won with a little help from friends, so is teaming up allowed to help ur friend to win?

Offline Aryan

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Re: [LWW2015] The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 15.08.2015 - 28.08.2015
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2015, 06:30:36 PM »
i see some events can be won with a little help from friends, so is teaming up allowed to help ur friend to win?

me and puranjay used to do it last year when we were new  8)


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Re: [LWW2015] The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 15.08.2015 - 28.08.2015
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2015, 07:02:53 PM »
Dayem, NICE
Also new date FTW

Offline EnzoMortelli

Re: [LWW2015] The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 15.08.2015 - 28.08.2015
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2015, 09:30:25 PM »
i see some events can be won with a little help from friends, so is teaming up allowed to help ur friend to win?
as long as it doesn't end in ruining.

Offline SultanSaleem

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Re: [LWW2015] The Littlewhitey's Weeks 2015 | 15.08.2015 - 28.08.2015
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2015, 12:26:12 AM »
Well im really, very impressed. cuz its my first year here so i dont know that we got LWW and smth like that.. yay Aryan nice job.. Let's see who's it gonna be :D