Well, I was coming across this idea for the longest... Even before, years ago, I felt like this was a foreseeable and exceptional suggestion. I'm not too sure whether this was already suggested but I just wanted to see if it was possible for classes that spawn far away on one side of the island to spawn in a random location closer to where the majority of the servers' players are located. I want it to be where they don't have to constantly drive cross-country to kill a player.. We all know the average life span of a average player in the middle of combat from various classes..: not too long.. mainly ranging from about 15 seconds to 1 minute.
So say for example.. Class pink or player 4 originally spawns near the lighthouse, but players 1, 2, and 3 spawn and fight near downtown. Class pink or player 4 should spawn near places like the junkyard, g-spotlight office, the fire dept, and the hospital.. Not too far enough for a road trip and not too close enough to where they either spawnkill on spawn or spawn in the middle of a battle.
Commands: /sc <on> , /sc <off> SC for spawn close.