I'm new to the server, and as soon as I logged in for the first time here, people were always
talking shit after they killed me or when I kill them... "Nab" etc..., (when actually they had just lame killed me or it had been a gf) or when I killed them.
Now I dunno, why aren't people welcoming to the new guy, why all the hate?
I try to be friendly with peeps, but most of the time I get blanked :/
I admit I flame but ONLY after someones been a dick to me by talking shit and therefore pissing me off and only at those people. And yeah OK I admit that I shoot anything that moves, tag or no tag, and that I have no remorse about killing with my sawnies and tecs, (it is a DM server after all...), but... at least I don't db hardly ever, and I don't heli kill, and with people that have no spawn weapons I'll give a fair fight with a DEagle (unless they start to run away). But really, I have no idea where all the hate is comin' from. Is it 'cos I'm new and have some skill at fighting, and like it?
LWs is a great server, very fun, and the best one imo, but I really don't understand where all the hate is coming from, and it would be nice to make some buddies or gang mates..
*End /emo, /cry, /cut*
Thx for readin'.