Hello. As you are all aware, LWs is inhabited by some major-douchebags. I won't say any names. I'm forming an alliance. Not a gang. Not a clan. An ALLIANCE. Our goal is to kill/piss off these douchebags under any circumstances, using unique methods. (Aka. Not saying "Duel me nub".)
1. Do not complain when you get killed.
2. Type in alliance tag properly in your alias.
3. Be clever. Think of things that will make the enemy laugh before you kill them.
4. Speak English fluently. (Not predjudice. Just so we can communicate well).
5. Have a sense of humor.
6. Do not be an asshole. That's what we're against.
7. Share money. Don't be a statswhore. Be willing to go on sucide missions.
8. Have pride in yourself.
9. Be talented all around. (Flying, racing, dueling)
10. Be willing to use the same skin as the rest of us. (Skin not yet decided).
The name i'm not sure of yet.. AAA (Alliance Against Assholes).VIGIL (Vigilantes). ATD (Against The Douchebags)
Not sure. Let me know if you're interested.