Now girls before whining,i'll tell what i have to say.Jets probably had some torrents on to lag,do with him whatever u want scott,but it was fair because iRock and Nik lagged like hell.Now about this iRock faggot,he used ofc or what ever the fuck he used he warped when he saw they were losing,then he turns it off,then again turns it on and goes on.In last round his armor was freezed at 20,he was running in place and shooting 10 shots(Yes irock faggot,its true),dont make me stupid i saw everything.Before nemesis speak,TypeR DOES NOT LAG IN THE WARS NOR DOES HE LAG LIKE THIS.Believe me he doesnt know shits about programs that would make him warp or whatever,all he does was came to war to finish this shit,he was in rush,thats why i was saying to start when we finish round because he had to go.Preech told me that scooby told him that he turns torrents on in wars to lag(Preech confirm this please),scooby played one round and he wasnt so easy to hit,but he was ok.Everything u say about lag now nik or anything will be pointed at jets,like i said he had torrents on,and it was lame,but more lamer was from irock to do what he did.Hope so there wont be whining now,everything is explained.SWK i hope now for fair war,without flaming,we will try to get 5-6 members ready,as i see u dont like 3 v 3