hmmm....making $$$ in LW its way too easy...not with races! PPl race 4 fun not for $ ! Well some of them do ...but in most cases they ride 4 fun!
And...if u disable hosting races/races with $ in it...ppl would still be racing!
Anywayz...than just make LW`s become complete DM server and watch it go down!
Its on hes way! GL with that! ;: )
Ppl race for $ except some fanatics or bored players
If not, explain to me why when someone hosts a race for 2kk he gets much more ppl than in a race with 1st price 150k?
Race stats are okay, autohosted races too, if the cash will be taken from a real source (taxes for banked money, money that wasnt banked before someone logged off etc. etc. but vunerable cars suuuuuuuuuuuuuck.