Results From Event were great, everyone had fun except for the people who were trying to ruin it when no admins were on by crashing rustlers into us the event was overall good
Participants [M]BikeDriver (B.I.K) [JOKER]Ya$N (B.I.K.E) [JOKER]Bikerr (B.I.K) [KOD]Seytan (B.I.K.E) Green_Free (B.I.K.E) Quickplay (B.I.K.E) [r]EnzoMortelli (B.I.K) [Sx]Jets[UB] (B.I.K.E)
1) [M]BikeDriver B.I.K
2) [JOKER]Bikerr B.I.K
3) [r]EnzoMortelli B.I.K
Finals will be finished at a later date
The final 3 were award 1 million dollars each, and the finals will be discussed on the forums. Great event finish will be soon, there will be a 2nd B.I.K.E Game in the future
Feel free to post pictures and videos later i will also