He destroyed my 2nd race now, this fucking noob never learns
First he came to the startpoint with an helicopter and made it explode into the whole racers, to all the cars were blowing up, (did report, nohting happened) and it became worser
then he killed a player _Crazy_ or so (at race startpoint) ,took his bike and drove away, I reported him, nothing happened
Then I thought, the race could be starting without him , cause he left, but no, when the countdown started he flew with this planes into the crowed and landed in front of all car racers, so he blocked the way and the race was fucked up
after the race was over I reported him again, but nothing happened, then I started to take this whole thing into my own hands, but when I did it, any admin banned me for some reasons
I asked, why nobody kicked or even banned this dude?
Hope he dies this mother fucker fucked up all my racers