Haha i have a couple of great memories. I joined in May/June 2008 or so (thats when I tried LW for the first time instead of playing MTA Race all day), made some money via the pirate ship so I could buy the tattoo shop. I was playing for a couple of days I think before my first fight with Bibek. I couldn't leadaim, yet I faced him at the LV strip bank and I almost killed him. He therefore asked me to apply to [PvA], I did, I trained with bibek at Vrock and I got accepted. Then Randy made me train every frikin day at Arena Meltdown
poor me. I became friends with a couple of guys pretty quick, guys like [eVo]Aqua (aka cawabunga, he used to be a cool dude but is a complete retard now), [NWA]Shark (<3) and a couple of other [eVo] / [PA] members.
I left LW and PvA at the end of the summer and started playing MTA Race again. I rejoined in feburary 2009 or something, as ''taxiDominator''. Yeah, I'm that guy who used to spam ''who needs a taxi? pm id # and I'll be there in a sec!'' in the mainchat. Hell, I even made an unmute appeal, because uberfox forgot to unmute me haha. Anyways after like 2 months I applied to [Nx]. I met my mentor, Slice, he taught me how to leadaim and shit and made me the pro fighter I am now
I got accepted (fuck yeah!) and played quite alot lol. Alot of members left [Nx] all of the sudden (still hate you guys for that!) and I tried to get [Nx] back on his feet again but it didn't really work out, I left at the same time as Nightmare did, iirc, went inactive (did apply to uL though but got denied cus im complete shit at ww) and started to act like a fucking retard on the forums lol. Still hate myself for that but w/e. Anyways I rejoined SA-MP March this year, joined SWK (yey!) but I lost my interest in SA-MP so I barly play that shit anymore. O yea lol I remember myself being the co-leader of UK (underground killers, Shizalk's clan) for like 3 days or so
I just joined because he was the leader lol.
This was more of a history than just a couple of good memories, but whatever, you get the idea
Still miss them not understandable russians lol