there's Limit ?? xD LOL OMG im scared of Kicks =] + score with Extreme laming.. "Zaibatsu Corporation" Tbh Gayest name :+ Grow up sweetheart... Hit puberty already ..
PS: Dont bother Posting here again.. as u can never win a Duel against me.. your just shit.. all u can do it Db Db Db.. nade nade nade "LAME LAME LAME"
1.yeah there's ping limit, thats why u dont play here i suppose.
2.extreme laming? not my problem if u cant handle different methods of fighting and only running into every fight with sawnoff/uzi like a freakin kamikaze. using grenades (not in this server tho), kite-moves, distraction, etc etc. is pretty useful. think for a little.
3.I'll try to make the name ZaibAtsuCorpOrAtionz next time as your "not-so-gay" devilxtremoz. Learn some GTA history and find out the origin of Zaibatsu Corporation, then talk newby.
4.Hit puberty? sry boy im not the one posting his teenage pic's that make lot of ppl do uve been molested more than once in our duels, wake up already. what about sorting this out in another duel? oh right u'd probably get kicked because of ur ping lmao.
6.db is part of gta. nading in some servers too, call it whatever u like, u saying im shit but if u cant avoid being killed by "shit" in different methods that GTA-SA offers, what does it make u? or are u saying sa-mp is all about uzi/sawnoff? dont make me giggle again.