Author Topic: Want to host an event? READ ME! [FAQ]  (Read 11844 times)

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Offline [JOKER]Miczi

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Want to host an event? READ ME! [FAQ]
« on: July 11, 2012, 08:42:59 PM »
Q: What is an event?

A: Event is a happening organised to entartain players. YOU DON'T NEED TO BE AN ADMIN TO HOST AN EVENT! Everyone is free to organise an event. It can be anything - a race in which only bicycles are allowed, a fighting tournament, a hide and seek game - simply ANYTHING, as long as it is possible to be organised. In some events, like races and tournaments, there is usually a prize for the winner. But there are also events in which there are no winners - like a massive suicide event, a bus trip, a movie shooting etc.

If you need an idea, or want to know which events are popular within the community, you should check out some topics about old events in this section.

Q: Anything? Really ANYTHING?!

A: Well, as long as it is not against the rules, it is possible to be organised, there are players who are willing to join it and it doesn't harm players who don't wanna join, yep - ANYTHING.

Q: Okay, I have and awesome idea! Everyone would enjoy it, it would be absolutely smashing! How can I get it done?

A: There are two ways. You can organise everything by yourself, advertise it on the forums. Then you are the hoster, you are responsible for the event (even though admins can still help you). It's good for big events, which require sign ups, and a lot of work, since admins are not always free to manage huuuge events by themselves. However, hosting such an event requires some organising skills, ability to speak understandable english and patience. Players WON'T do what you want them to do. They WILL try to break rules. While you are explaining they WON'T be standing in a line - instead they would make a total CHAOS running in circles and killing each other with everything they got... Not to mention the event-ruining helikillers and other idiots, who like to appear just when you are going to say "OK, GO!"... That's why "/freeze" and "/muteall" were born :)

Another way is to "hire" an admin to host a smaller event for you. Most of admins like hosting events when they don't need to set up everything by themselves. The more you do from your side, the easier it's gonna be to host an event. There are a few things you should take care of:

RULES: Strict rules, that would be easy to explain.
PLACE: The best way would be to get the cords of the place. How? Get a car, drive to the place and use the command "/dl". The numbers after cposition are the cords of the place where the vehicle stands. The numbers after dots are useless, so when you see "Cposistion: 1245.4324, 432.4342, -12.32131", all you need to write down is "1245, 432, -12". With these numbers admin can teleport to that place.
vehicles*: If your event requires some special vehicles, for example bicycles, and you don't want to wait till players find them themselves, you might want to get the spawns of those vehicles. Remember: Admins can't spawn vehicles for other players! How to get the spawn position? It's the "/dl" command again, but this time you need the "s. position". It's the cords of the place where this vehicle spawns. If you write down a few spawns, admin might easily teleport to those places, collect the vehicles and bring them to the place where event takes place.

Q: Okay, cool, how admins can help me? What can they do?

A: Admins are able to: give weapons, set colour, set player's or team's spawn, teleport players, freeze players, set vehicles hp (except tank, and they can't set it higher than 1000), repair vehicle (including popped tires), set player hp, set armour, give money (for prizes, or items from special shops if they are needed for event), watch players, bug players underwater, advertise events officially. Admins are NOT able to: spawn vehicles for players, heal tank, teleport trailers.

Yes, I was bored. Hopefully this little "FA-Q" would be useful for anyone. The topic stays opened, but I'm going to keep it clean. If you have any objections, any questions to add, any answers to extend, or you disagree with something - feel free to post ;)
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 01:06:13 PM by [JOKER]Miczi »

Offline [JOKER]Miczi

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Re: Want to host an event? READ ME! [FAQ]
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2012, 01:09:06 PM »
Cleared and updated, thanks everyone for the support and Enzo for pointing out a few mistakes ;)

If you want to add something, please post here, but I want to keep to the topic clear, all the posts like "good job" will be deleted (even though I appreciate the appreciation :P)
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 01:11:10 PM by [JOKER]Miczi »