Hey folks!
I decided to remake this topic and create a list that we can add people to as they reply. It will make it easier to find people and hopefully will encourage more people to share their various gaming account IDs.
If you want to be added to the list, just reply and share your ID in the following format:
PSN: MrNub Steam: NoobMan
I'm sure you get the idea
Please keep in mind that the original topic went back to 2007 so some of these accounts may not exist anymore. If you do try to add someone and it comes back as non-existent, please let us know! Also, try to keep us updated with changes to your IDs.
- AEO - Steam: ahMexican
- AJP - Steam: scotteast GFWL: im serious dude Xfire: scotteast
- agushomie - PSN: agusbmxargtcub
- Alvar - Xfire: alvar18
- Aryan - Steam: Aryan6420
- best12 - Xfire: pcbest12
- BuRNZ - Steam: Bu[R]NZ_ Xfire: stefyx14
- Champion - Steam: Chilly45
- chedyus - Xbox: mateias30
- Chocolate - Steam: cyberkiller18 R*SC: Deadshot1239
- Daniel. - Xfire: skullnutz
- dannymc18 - PSN: f3llah1n XBox: dannymc18
- DJ_Contagious - PSN: DJContagious718
- DoctorMexico - Xbox: SuperNintedo69
- Dominator - Steam: bas94nl GFWL: D0m1nat0r33
- dugi - Steam: dugi0 Xfire: dugipl
- elbrujo - XBox: el brujo fr
- Elite - XBox: elite82 PSN: headshot07
- Enzo - Xfire: Enzo03
- EthaN - Steam: euphoria15
- Ez - Xbox: Ez27
- Faraday - Steam: PeterNub GFWL: TheblackP
- Forgive - Steam: quick_star21 Xfire: xforgive
- Freak - Steam: maletogd
- F4U - PSN: BangBangSC
- Gulk - XBox: Gulk360
- Hanney - XBox: Hanney187
- Hitman - GFWL: UvH Hitman
- Howl - Steam: howl77official
- iShine - Steam: sensation_kiss13 Xfire: xishine
- JeaN - Steam: Itsbyjean
- Jets[UB] - PSN: SxJetsUB Skype: iMJets Xfire: itsjetsbaby Steam: SxJetsUB
- jinx - Steam: jinx91913 Xfire: uberfox1 GFWL: uberfox1
- j.king - Steam: YanG_King Xfire: sdtjking RGSC: j-k1nguk
- kenny01 - GFWL: kenny01m
- klein. - Steam: theamazingdurkhani Origin: aguero1416 GameRanger: 8464571
- KmanN - PSN: kmann2011 Steam: kmann2
- knifeslayer - Xfire: knifeslay3r
- Mahrozulamin - Xfire: mahrozulamin
- Martinz - Steam: M4tinZ origin: M4tinZ
- McTavish - Steam: [SAF]Frost^
- Morphine - Steam: elmorphinio
- Murtaza - Steam: murtazabaloch Xfire: murtaza2015
- Myle - Steam: Myle_
- Negative - Steam: aye_negative R*SC: Fortunity
- Nemesis - Steam: swktit4n Xbox/GFWL: SWKTiT4N
- N3R0_ - PSN: fQze80VMg Steam: NNAMAH
- Noori - Steam: noori1237 Xfire: Noori123
- Nyo - GFWL: MYNICK11
- playa - Steam: gdplaya_ PSN: jokerplayaz0r
- pleyo - Steam: pleyoz0r
- Pluisje - PSN: pluisje2226 Steam: pluizeboll WEGAMEACC:Pluisje2226Xbox: Pluisje2226 Xfire: 0pluisje
- PuBerZz - R*SC: PuBerSs
- PyroFox - Xbox: V1t4l1jus
- Razor - PSN: VUTrazor
- Red_Queen- PSN: iRedQueen
- Reloaded - Steam: RELOADED24 GFWL: Reloaded24
- ReVilo - PSN: SteVenDooRags Steam: SteVenDooRag
- Rizla - PSN: its_r1zla Steam: StealthBongR GFWL: ItsRizlaBaby
- robbynab - Xfire: robbynab
- rockhardy - Xfire: rockhardy1989 Steam: rockhardy1989 Origin: rockhardy1989
- Runey - Steam: [StRaLeZ]/g0dspell
- Ryz - Steam: iRyz Xfire: Ryzmuncher
- Sadik - PSN: Sadik95 Xfire: Dutchman94
- Savage Saulik - Steam: s_saulik119 Xbox: SavageSaulik
- Sephiroth - Steam: Seph_iroth Xfire: Sephiroth92x
- Sers - Xfire: serrsje
- ShadowScythe - Xfire: jjfcliski
- Shameless - PSN: WadeBLFC Xfire: Shameless187
- Shanto - XBox: Shanto 360
- Shark - Steam: SolidShark Xbox: SharkPT
- Shizalk - Steam: shizalk Xfire: shizalk21
- Simon - XBox: simon2k6
- Slice - Steam: Slice66
- Smoke2jointS - PSN: smoke2jnts Steam: smoke2joints77 Xfire: mersmoke2joints R*SC: Smoke2jointS77
- Sneaky - Steam: sneakysnizzle1337
- Splatterpuss - Steam: chris16450 Xbox: splatterteamz
- Sp4zlord - GFWL: Creepz0r
- Spitfire - Steam: Spitfire
- Spy_vs_Spy - GFWL: PuBerZ
- StrawberryMouth - Steam: skater4410 Skype: disco441 Xfire: black44
- Tarkan - Steam: barely used and active one
- TheJeanStyles - Steam: TheJeanStyles
- The Milko - Steam: dnamilko
- Thug - RGSC: PurpleHaze_NL
- tony_ab - Xfire: tonynab
- The Reaper - PSN: Soulman101 Steam: ReapyDave
- THEWICKERMAN - Xfire: line6spider3
- [V3loc1Ty] - Steam: Velo28 Xfire: slimtim22
- Yaceq - Xfire: yaceq
- Ya$n - Steam/GFWL/R*SC: FaTaLiTyYasN
- Zamaroht - Steam/Xfire: Zamaroht
- Zatch - Steam: Zatch
If I forgot someone, or made a mistake, please let me know and I'm sorry!!!!