Hi everyone,
I'd like to announce here that me and Mahroz have decided to leave the VC:MP forever, it's been almost 3 years we both played in the VC:MP sever and had a great time here but now its time to end it up, we both are actually tired of vice city which itself is more then a decade old game now, apart from this, we both think that we should more concentrate on our real lives now and should take a break from the virtual life, his university is starting up soon and i'm getting bulky so need to make up time for the Gym as well to reduce the weight.
So, coming up to our accounts in VC:MP, we have planned to give away the total cash we both have thats somewhere around
$120,000,00 ($12m), the time decided is tomorrow 15th August 9:30pm PTM (16:30 GMT) when we will distribute the entire cash to all the players online randomly so dont forget to be there on time to get a lot of FREE MONEY!
Moreover, we decided to give away our Donator benefits (if possible ?) to 3 (we have 3 accounts with donator ranks) randomly selected players of VC:MP, if someone is interested to get donators rank feel free to comment below but please note that i am not sure if the benefits can be transferred so i have queried the managers about it. Juppi said this is not possibleSince i am leaving the VC:MP for ever, i would also like to
resign from my admins rank as well, i hereby request a manager to please remove my rank after 17:30 GMT 15th August (tomorrow), not today please as i have planned a few last events for tonight.
Last but not the least, as mentioned above, i have planned a Million dollar event for tonight which will be a last event from my side, event will start at 16:30 GMT (almost 2 hours from now) so be sure to take a part and enjoy the last event from my side. (
no one could win the event so i gave every defender $100,000 Finally, if i ever hurt anyone in game or on forums (apart from the rule violators) i apologize for it.
Good luck to everyone and have fun!
Best Regards
Usman & Mahroz.