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[19:15:04] *> Ciruela killed VU_R.yne with an MP5 to torso. <*[19:15:13] *> Ciruela killed brayan123 with an MP5 to torso. <*[19:15:17] brayan123: como compro cosas[19:15:19] *> PunkNoodle killed Ciruela with a shotgun to left leg. <*[19:15:24] VodKa.: con /q se abre la tienda[19:15:25] [OSKr]David.: con /q[19:15:29] kelvin_: rofl[19:15:32] [OSKr]David.: verdad[19:15:33] *> brayan123 disconnected. <*[19:15:33] Enciende o Apaga tus estadisticas con /stat on o /stat off[19:15:35] *> VodKa. killed [MK]Ratchet with a car. <*[19:15:36] VodKa.: [19:15:36] kelvin_: lmaoooooo[19:15:38] [OSKr]David.: aahahahs[19:15:40] *> Ciruela killed kareem_XxZz with an MP5 to body. <*[19:15:46] *> Ciruela killed VodKa. with a stubby shotgun to right leg. <*[19:15:50] *> kelvin_ killed PunkNoodle with a stubby shotgun to right arm. <*[19:15:50] VodKa.: Siempre queriendo ayudar. [19:15:52] *> brayan123 connected. <*[19:15:52] *** brayan123 is connecting from Venezuela.[19:15:52] kelvin_: esa viruela[19:16:04] brayan123: como compro[19:16:11] *> Ciruela killed [MK]Ratchet with a stubby shotgun to left leg. <*[19:16:13] *> [SS]Lederhos killed sofhia with a Python to left leg. <*[19:16:18] *> [SS]Lederhos killed Ciruela with a shotgun to body. <*[19:16:28] [SS]Lederhos: !heal[19:16:28] *> [OSKr]David. killed kelvin_ with a stubby shotgun to head. <*[19:16:28] brayan123: como compro armas[19:16:31] * Healed:[ [SS]Lederhos ] Cost:[ $300 ][19:16:33] Unete a nuestro canal de IRC en[19:16:35] [OSK_A]M.I.S*: con !wep[19:16:41] *> PunkNoodle killed [OSKr]David. with a shotgun to left leg. <*[19:16:44] PunkNoodle: !heal[19:16:44] VodKa.: !getcar[19:16:45] [OSK_A]M.I.S*: y nombre de la armas[19:16:45] brayan123: y aviones[19:16:47] * Healed:[ PunkNoodle ] Cost:[ $300 ][19:16:48] [OSKr]David.: no[19:16:52] [OSKr]David.: los aviones[19:16:56] brayan123: como compro aviomiones[19:16:57] *> kareem_XxZz killed brayan123 with a shotgun to right arm. <*[19:16:59] *> PunkNoodle killed Ciruela with a shotgun to body. <*[19:17:04] *> kelvin_ killed PunkNoodle with a stubby shotgun to body. <*[19:17:12] [OSKr]David.: con !give 11 50000[19:17:16] [OSKr]David.: los aviones[19:17:17] [OSKr]David.: con !give 11 50000[19:17:19] VodKa.: !getcar[19:17:23] *> VU_R.yne killed Ciruela with a sniper rifle to left leg. <*[19:17:25] *> PunkNoodle killed VodKa. with a shotgun to right leg. <*[19:17:28] *> kelvin_ killed [MK]Ratchet with a stubby shotgun to body. <*[19:17:29] VodKa.: Debes pagarme por el. [19:17:30] *> PunkNoodle killed brayan123 with a shotgun to left leg. <*[19:17:33] Quieres usar un nick diferente? Cambia tu nombre en[19:17:35] Screenshot saved to C:\Users\:v\Documents\GTA Vice City User Files\Screenshots\2016-10-14 19-17-34-0294.png[19:17:35] brayan123: pero tengo que tener dirnero[19:17:38] [OSKr]David.: esk give es para comprar[19:17:41] VodKa.: Adivina que? Son 200K y te lo pasare jaja[19:17:49] *> kelvin_ killed kareem_XxZz with a stubby shotgun to right arm. <*[19:17:58] You will be healed in 3 seconds to prevent abuse...[19:17:58] kelvin_: !heal[19:18:01] * Healed:[ kelvin_ ] Cost:[ $300 ][19:18:06] brayan123: como compro la avion[19:18:06] VodKa.: Tal vez tambien te pase el hack que utilizo[19:18:10] *> kareem_XxZz killed Ciruela with a shotgun to body. <*[19:18:12] VodKa.: Son 200K[19:18:16] [OSKr]David.: oh cy[19:18:22] [OSKr]David.: vodka[19:18:25] [OSKr]David.: verda[19:18:29] brayan123: no se comprarm[19:18:33] [OSKr]David.: que tu hiciste el nuevo hack[19:18:33] Puedes ingresar el dinero en el banco usando !deposit[19:18:35] VodKa.: veda cy[19:18:36] *> kelvin_ killed [MK]Ratchet with a stubby shotgun to left leg. <*[19:18:43] VodKa.: Obvio jaja con ayuda de Wilber32[19:18:44] brayan123: me puedes dar un avion david[19:18:44] *> Ciruela killed PunkNoodle with an MP5 to torso. <*[19:18:48] *> kelvin_ killed kareem_XxZz with a stubby shotgun to left leg. <*[19:18:48] * kelvin_ is on a killing spree of 5! ($500)[19:18:52] [OSKr]David.: pero necesito que uses[19:18:58] [OSKr]David.: !give 11 20000[19:19:02] *> Ciruela killed [MK]Ratchet with a stubby shotgun to body. <*[19:19:05] *> VU_R.yne killed Ciruela with a sniper rifle to right arm. <*[19:19:07] VodKa.: !give 11 800[19:19:08] VodKa.: hackeado[19:19:11] brayan123: pero quiero comprar y no comrp[19:19:12] [OSKr]David.: wow[19:19:14] *> kelvin_ killed kareem_XxZz with a stubby shotgun to left leg. <*[19:19:21] VodKa.: !give 11 7000[19:19:24] VodKa.: hack[19:19:26] sofhia: si wiber32 es mi hijo dile k utilize si hack para que me pueda dar con su m4[19:19:27] [OSKr]David.: hacksote[19:19:28] *> kelvin_ killed [MK]Ratchet with a stubby shotgun to head. <*[19:19:32] *> kelvin_ killed PunkNoodle with a stubby shotgun to left arm. <*[19:19:33] No evadas tus muertes, esta en contra de las normas.[19:19:36] *> kareem_XxZz killed brayan123 with an Uzi to left arm. <*[19:19:41] VodKa.: Sin hack podria destruir el universo[19:19:47] Ciruela: !give 4 11750[19:19:53] [OSKr]David.: !give vod 7000[19:19:53] VodKa.: Adios, me voy a fumar algo que me maree :3[19:19:58] VodKa.: Gracias, gracias.[19:19:59] *> Ciruela killed brayan123 with a stubby shotgun to body. <*[19:20:00] *> Foley connected. <*[19:20:00] *** Foley is connecting from Pakistan.[19:20:02] [OSKr]David.: ekisde[19:20:06] *> Ciruela killed [MK]Ratchet with a stubby shotgun to body. <*[19:20:07] *> kelvin_ killed PunkNoodle with a stubby shotgun to right leg. <*[19:20:09] VodKa.: Tu tambien ciruela de mierda[19:20:11] VodKa.: Dame tu dienro[19:20:13] [OSKr]David.: ya tienes el avion verda botka[19:20:16] VodKa.: Dinero*[19:20:16] *> Ciruela killed VU_R.yne with a stubby shotgun to torso. <*[19:20:20] *> kelvin_ killed brayan123 with a stubby shotgun to left leg. <*[19:20:20] * kelvin_ is on a killing spree of 10! ($1000)[19:20:20] VodKa.: cy[19:20:21] Auto-kicked:[ [SS]Lederhos ] Reason:[ Ping average exceeded 500ms ][19:20:21] *> [SS]Lederhos disconnected (kicked). <*[19:20:28] *> VU_R.yne disconnected. <*[19:20:33] No inundes el chat con el mismo mensaje, pareces un noob.[19:20:37] [OSKr]David.: ya ves[19:20:38] Ciruela: !give 4 1500[19:20:43] *> Foley killed kelvin_ with a shotgun to right leg. <*[19:20:43] * kelvin_'s spree was ended by Foley![19:20:44] *> UnknownPlayer connected. <*[19:20:44] *** UnknownPlayer is connecting from China.[19:20:44] *> [SS]Lederhos connected. <*[19:20:44] *** [SS]Lederhos is connecting from Colombia.[19:20:45] VodKa.: Ya estas[19:20:47] kelvin_: helo folri[19:20:48] *> Ciruela killed [MK]Ratchet with a stubby shotgun to right leg. <*[19:20:48] Auto-kicked:[ UnknownPlayer ] Reason:[ Failed to login ][19:20:48] *> UnknownPlayer disconnected (kicked). <*[19:20:48] sofhia: stop karenmw