I was thinking about changing our beloved SA-MP server to lagshot every weekend or so, I see that many players liked it when it was changed once to lagshoot in weekend (some players didn't like it though) but however, many players would actually enjoy it. I've created the above vote so you can give your vote about this matter, but before doing so, read this:
Many regulars will come in-game to get their lagshotting memories back.
There won't be sync bugs like skinhit.
Aim cheats won't be working thus you are sure that who killed you is a human.
It's just for the weekend, so it's like an event.
It's fun indeed.
It's kinda illogical to shoot the air (but it's fun)
New players won't like it so much (I'm new but I do like it)
That's the TL;DR of lagshot pros/cons, I'm sure many other players would like to see this, also please if you want to say your opinion, go ahead but please don't be aggressive towards other because of their opinion.