Nick used whilst ingame: [ON]Leatherface
Time and Date that you were banned: Today
Suspected Reason (if any): Iam dont konw bininin/megaldon
IP Address:
PAC ID: Iam dont know it
Admin that banned you (if known): SuriAttacker is the admin that banned me
Extra notes: if iam cry iam say to him hi suri and him say to me hi that leatherface if iam send in private with it hi my freind how are you he is say to me with private iam fine i guess and me if iam say to him with private he is baneed iam dont do anything for player iam with my freinds and iam new player iam new iam not bninin and megaldon why you see to me hello bninin/megaldon why iam dont know that plays and you banned my freind panzer and see to him megaldon why if me iam hey to you and you my brother iam if iam say hi nice to meet you and you kiked me iam not use anything with hacksq no aimloc why suriattacker plz why iam sorry ok the last time if i see you in server iam not spam with i think you kiked if me iam spam but iam not spam iam just i say hey iam question for your like