Author Topic: About the Levelling System and some additional suggestions. [Have a look]  (Read 4638 times)

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Offline Pizza Sauce

Hello, People !
I have been noticing many players complaining about the levelling system for some time,I myself feel abit uncomfortable with it some  way, Especially the Weapon buying thing where weapons decrease 1 by 1 as a player levels up.
Apart from that, Levelling system unlocks different features at the special shop again by levelling up,
This is also a good feature but on other hand it also should be kept in mind that whenever a random player joins, he/she doesnt register to the server immediately without roaming/observing the server perks/features etc.

So, my request to the staff managment is to take a look at this and modify this levelling system if they think its bfir betterment of the server Also, adding some features i have mentioned below:

1.Deduct the weapon/level feature. +(Server economy is stable atm )
2.Set some money prizes when a player unlocks any achievement.
3.Set some titles related to levels e.g a player with level 10-20 should be  given a title “ little fish” etc.

General Suggestions
1.Allow 2 Shots on the server Because most of the servers have allowed this feature, means more players are likely to 2 shot.

2. Add some decorative stuff to attract the player (optional)

3. Player could teleport to any part of the map by simply selecting any location from Game settings> maps by selecting blip on any place and when he resumes game he simply gets a notification bar asking him to teleport him to selected place. This should cost some money. If not then 2 teleports should be allowed per minute or more time.  This is too much to ask for but i think it can be useful.

I’d like to thank every person for reading and having a look at this.
I simply thought theese suggestions can help in development of the server so i made this post.

Best regards

Offline Myle

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1.Deduct the weapon/level feature. +(Server economy is stable atm )

It should be "running" than stable. And weapons are the only thing players are forced to buy in a DM server.

2.Set some money prizes when a player unlocks any achievement.
3.Set some titles related to levels e.g a player with level 10-20 should be  given a title “ little fish” etc.

These looks good, but we'd need NiGHTM4RE to be active to implement this.

General Suggestions
1.Allow 2 Shots on the server Because most of the servers have allowed this feature, means more players are likely to 2 shot.

This one I totally agree. +1

3. Player could teleport to any part of the map by simply selecting any location from Game settings> maps by selecting blip on any place and when he resumes game he simply gets a notification bar asking him to teleport him to selected place. This should cost some money. If not then 2 teleports should be allowed per minute or more time.  This is too much to ask for but i think it can be useful.

This won't happen in lw, and you also know that. Specially in present condition. The few players we get, we can't spread them around the big map while they won't have interact with each other with teleporting.

There's always another way

Offline [Syed]Kahaf

Agree! brO


Offline Runey

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1) In terms of prices, or what? If that's the case, the prices are already cheap enough for everybody to afford decent amount of ammo and weapons.
2) These additions seem quite interesting, would be nice to have them. Players would have the motivation to work for more advanced stuff on the server. +1
3) Never. I guess 2shots not being allowed is what makes LW unique in a way, and the fights are more balanced than in other servers. Personally, I've disliked 2shots ever since i joined samp and the reason being plain simple; those ruin the fights, makes them last shorter and you face a wall of bullets (almost) without a chance to avoid it. In the past, when the lead aim was still a thing, you actually stood chance against rapid use of sawns, especially the skilled type of players. Today, it's not even worth discussing why it's bad.
4) Myle has said pretty much what i think. Teleports alone can be abused a lot, and i don't actually see any use of them with the features we have.

Offline Jayce

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As much as I appreciate your concern about the server health, suggestions board was closed for a reason, we are not in a state to accept any suggestions as of this moment. 
come back blewert : (

Offline Pizza Sauce

I wasnt aware of the fact that it was closed.
My mistake
« Last Edit: April 22, 2018, 08:04:04 PM by Pizza Sauce »

Offline Myle

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I wasnt aware of the fact that it was closed.
My mistake

It has been turned on and off several times to keep track of. Not exactly your fault.

Topic locked.

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