Author Topic: Switching - another discussion  (Read 7485 times)

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Offline TuNeFisH

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Switching - another discussion
« on: September 19, 2008, 01:03:23 PM »
Hi there  ;D

I know it sounds/looks  :o if a regular like me and a high ranking member of JOKER starts this discussion again, but i think i am not correctly informed about WHAT SWITCHING EXACTLY is and what is a banning reason (or prolly some admins aren't ;)).

OK i was playing a long time wednesday night again and its was about 4am in the morning for me (i had to go to school in 3 hrs  :D) when a [V] guy invited me to a duel. After first seconds of our fight he suddenly accused me of switching! "U switched from uzi to sawn!!" and i was like  :o :o ???
I was never accused of that, never knew i did and afaik i was never reported for it and i always stay out of clan wars with switching coz' i know im crap in these fights. And when fighting with sawns on LWs i really have a look for them to reload properly.
Then i asked Fox, if its not allowed to switch from uzis to sawns, and he said yes - then G0Df4Th3R aka. [SKW]immortality broke in this argument and discussed with Fugi and fox about it and i never heard a clear result of it - so i want it to be figured out here NOW, before i get bannt for something i really did not know over 9 months now:

Do I ACTUALLY have to fire ALL the 100 bullets in a UZI mag, before I can switch to sawn again??!?
And if YES, WHO the fuck does actually fight this way?? I think i don't know any regular that really does it!

Regards TuNe
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Offline PuBerZz

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2008, 01:05:02 PM »
When you shoot 4 sawn's let the reload animation finish then switch to uzi/tecs, shoot all of them, reload, then go back to sawns.

Offline [W]IDmad

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2008, 01:25:56 PM »
they only ban for switching if u use it with sawnoffs which is rather ridiculous imo. If they're gonna ban for switching it should affect all the weapons instead of one and I don't see any reason why u can't switch with one weapon and u can with all the rest. Maybe switching with sawnoffs is bug abusing but with other weapons it isn't  ;D

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2008, 01:34:45 PM »
yea but the advantage to switching sawns is so so much higher than switching to avoid the reload on tecs

We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it Inside we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it

And if you ask me how I'm feeling Don't tell me you're too blind to see

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

(Ooh give you up) (Ooh give you up) (Ooh) never gonna give, never gonna give (give you up) (Ooh) never gonna give, never gonna give (give you up)

We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching but you're too shy to say it Inside we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand


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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2008, 01:43:06 PM »
Reason why there is the switch rule?
- You can switch so that you have never to watch the reload anim
- other count with you reloading after shooting all the bullets

I personally tell all to remember to allways watch the complete reload animation of the sawns before switching.
But if I would see someone who shoots all time 90 uzi/tec bullets, shooting 4 shots sawns, reload them, and again shooting 90 tec/uzi bullets to avoid the reload, I see it as switch abuse.

I personally dont ban ppl if they "switch" once in some fights. I look if they abuses it or if they do it really often.

But I make differences between LW regulars , LW newbies and players from other servers.
For Example: a regular does it to avoid the reload = ban
                  a newbie can not do that, if he does he does it by accident, or he is not a newbie = i freeze them and explain the rule
                  a player from other server, might not know the rule = i freeze them and explain the rule

I personally think if a regular or a warned... does it 3 times in 50 fights by accident, I would only tell them to remember to allways reload ur sawns completly before switching to other weapons.

You dont have to allways reload your tecs/uzi, deagle, m4, ... But if a admin sees you using mostly the tecs/uzi and never reload it, you might get banned.

I know this rule is hard. My tip to fallow the rules:

shoot all tecs/uzi and sawnoff bullets and reload them completly before u switch.
With Sawnoffs its np to shoot all 4 bullets and watch the complete reload animation before you switch. But with the tecs or uzi it sometimes hard, if you wanna change ur weapon but u got still too much bullets in them, switch and wait some seconds to be fair.
Also it happens sometimes with the tecs/uzis that u switch by accident to other weapons.

Hope that helped a bit, and good question Thunefisch

Offline TuNeFisH

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2008, 01:43:56 PM »
yea but the advantage to switching sawns is so so much higher than switching to avoid the reload on tecs
exactly my thought  ::)
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Offline TuNeFisH

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2008, 01:53:14 PM »
But if I would see someone who shoots all time 90 uzi/tec bullets, shooting 4 shots sawns, reload them, and again shooting 90 tec/uzi bullets to avoid the reload, I see it as switch abuse.

Yes, thats where i understand the switching rule to get active...
But my situation in general is: I use sawns mainly in fights, only use uzi's sometimes to find the hitbox for first and sometimes during a fight when i think i lost it (or to be sure, he's not hacking :P)

I really don't see a high advantage by shooting 10-15 uzi bullets and switch to sawn again without reloading, and thats why i don't see why it isn't allowed...
But if u want me to, i follow this suggestion:
if you wanna change ur weapon but u got still too much bullets in them, switch and wait some seconds to be fair.

seen on Michelle's Server Echo @ #michelle.echo

<%MilkAndCookies> (0) [UK]Zegro: I like rockbands that piss on me at the end of the show
<%CookiesAndMilk> (1) [SAE]Jakez: Oh well
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<%MilkAndCookies> (0) [UK]Zegro: usually I'm sweaty
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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2008, 02:52:17 PM »
In that case I do not see any abuse, Thunefish.
I see there no problem, but better you wait some seconds, running like a weirdo avoiding the bullets :D
But be sure to allways reload your sawns complete.

btw thats cool in GTA4 if you shot your last bullets of any weapon, you trow the weapon away!

Offline [W]IDmad

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2008, 03:00:28 PM »
But if I would see someone who shoots all time 90 uzi/tec bullets, shooting 4 shots sawns, reload them, and again shooting 90 tec/uzi bullets to avoid the reload, I see it as switch abuse.

You dont have to allways reload your tecs/uzi, deagle, m4, ... But if a admin sees you using mostly the tecs/uzi and never reload it, you might get banned.

u should make clear rules what is bug abusing and not stuff like "hmm maybe when u shoot 80 tec/uzi bullets I think u should stop and tell the other guy to stop shooting so u can wait for few seconds till u can switch to other weapon"

U're making grey areas to the rules which ends to that one person gets banned for not shooting all his tecs/deagle/m4 ammo and then he/she starts saying that "other admins saw me do it and let me!". Every admin should use the same bug abusing rules and not say "hmm maybe, if, not sure, dunno"

so I'm asking - Is it allowed to shoot with your tecs/uzi and avoid the reload animation by switching? If yes does it apply to m4 and deagle?
If u answer no to both then u're gonna have a lot ppl banned in the next couple days.

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2008, 03:41:09 PM »
I think this is the only rule that I think should be changed, or at least specified more clearly, specially since switching isn't a bug.


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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2008, 03:51:13 PM »
emnn Edit? Its not about it if its a bug or not, but guess you think Rockstar made the reload animation just for fun, only for noobs to watc cause it is so beautiful?  ;)
Guess Rockstar has only made it for those who like to see it, for ppl who saw it enough times they can jump over reloading.  ;)

Reason why there is the switch rule?
- You can switch so that you have never to watch the reload anim
- other count with you reloading after shooting all the bullets

Edit, you should know by now that:

Shooting all 4 sec 4 or more sawnoff shots and inbetween uzi or tecs is verry powerful.

and LW Sever is not only a server for pros, let me use a quote of the old discussions:
"I would think that the current rule in place is fine for LW, the mood for LW is more of a laid back kind of server were new players can play and get used to online SA MP, while more veteran players can just mess around (while still getting into skilled fight). Although a lot of people say that LW would be better if it allowed the switch bug, I'd say that I am more in agreement with you, it would be a bit too powerful and at the same time alienate newer players who are just learning how to play (who are already at a disadvantage)."

Also read this, Edit:

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2008, 03:59:47 PM »
 :D its defintely the dumbest rule i ever heard  but i follow it no wonder im dying so much now its really hard not to switch weapons especially when ppl stop losing health.
100k, whats that? I hit Ammunation and I blow that.
All you noobs know G that, Green Sabre I know you see that.

Offline [W]IDmad

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2008, 04:10:06 PM »
I got your point but I just wanna know what things are classified as bug abusing? I know u won't allow switching with sawnoffs but can I shoot with my tecs/uzi and avoid the reload animation by switching?
It's pretty silly tho that u can't switch with a certain weapon but u can with all the rest.

I've played for a while and imo switching is just a different fighting style. In 1on1's switching might be more powerful than no-switch style but if u're fighting a group alone (3vs1, 4vs1) the non-switch style is better coz u can run faster between the sawnoff shots instead of running slow with tecs/uzis while everyone's shooting at u. Imo this adds a bit of depth to the gameplay where u can change your fighting style to suit the situation.

But I disagree with that quote coz usually the skilled players go into some place where they fight with each other (for example nam/DA) and when a noob player goes there he realises that he won't stay alive in there so he goes to other places (for example sam/ship). For example at LVP (sorry to use this as an example) all the skilled players hang at the same places (infront of ship,nam,gb) and noobier players quickly learn to avoid those places and fight in other places. After they've come better they start to challenge the better players and after a while they're fighting with the better players all the time. That's what makes them better: fighting with better players than themselves.

Hope u got my point.

Offline PuBerZz

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2008, 04:11:37 PM »
1 thing is for sure, it should stop being called switching, because some people clearly have the wrong idea. Some people seem to think your not allowed to change weapons in a fight.

Call it No-reloading.


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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2008, 04:18:40 PM »
Now to more on topic, [W]IDmad
1. Funny that you try to be übercorrect  ;D
2. You are right in some cases, but also you trying to be a troll again, arent you?

But if I would see someone who shoots all time 90 uzi/tec bullets, shooting 4 shots sawns, reload them, and again shooting 90 tec/uzi bullets to avoid the reload, I see it as switch abuse.

You dont have to allways reload your tecs/uzi, deagle, m4, ... But if a admin sees you using mostly the tecs/uzi and never reload it, you might get banned.
u should make clear rules what is bug abusing and not stuff like "hmm maybe when u shoot 80 tec/uzi bullets I think u should stop and tell the other guy to stop shooting so u can wait for few seconds till u can switch to other weapon"

tell the other guy to stop shooting? Where in you fantasy did u get that? Where did I wrote such a shit? he? Read again what I wrote.

U're making grey areas to the rules which ends to that one person gets banned for not shooting all his tecs/deagle/m4 ammo and then he/she starts saying that "other admins saw me do it and let me!". Every admin should use the same bug abusing rules and not say "hmm maybe, if, not sure, dunno"
Grey areas are in all rules to find, guess you are one of the trolls who try to find these grey areas to abuse them.
"hmm maybe, if, not sure, dunno"
who says that?

so I'm asking - Is it allowed to shoot with your tecs/uzi and avoid the reload animation by switching? If yes does it apply to m4 and deagle?
If u answer no to both then u're gonna have a lot ppl banned in the next couple days.

I answered those questions already. It depends on the case! Like every rule everywhere. There is not allways only one factor.

These rules are not made to ban ppl. They are made to make it possible to get a start for new players.
If you want to have advantages against other players you should play on other servers.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2008, 04:23:03 PM by SUPERBAD »