Author Topic: Switching - another discussion  (Read 7486 times)

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2008, 04:28:38 PM »
I got your point but I just wanna know what things are classified as bug abusing? I know u won't allow switching with sawnoffs but can I shoot with my tecs/uzi and avoid the reload animation by switching?
It's pretty silly tho that u can't switch with a certain weapon but u can with all the rest.

I've played for a while and imo switching is just a different fighting style. In 1on1's switching might be more powerful than no-switch style but if u're fighting a group alone (3vs1, 4vs1) the non-switch style is better coz u can run faster between the sawnoff shots instead of running slow with tecs/uzis while everyone's shooting at u. Imo this adds a bit of depth to the gameplay where u can change your fighting style to suit the situation.

But I disagree with that quote coz usually the skilled players go into some place where they fight with each other (for example nam/DA) and when a noob player goes there he realises that he won't stay alive in there so he goes to other places (for example sam/ship). For example at LVP (sorry to use this as an example) all the skilled players hang at the same places (infront of ship,nam,gb) and noobier players quickly learn to avoid those places and fight in other places. After they've come better they start to challenge the better players and after a while they're fighting with the better players all the time. That's what makes them better: fighting with better players than themselves.

Hope u got my point.

I guess you will be the first one to abuse it against noobs, like u tried to kill ppl with exploding helis at the racestarts.

On LW you have to be more careful, cause u have to fight with reloading, so a noob might be able to kill you.

Its not only the group or the 1:1 fight. If I shoot with sawns/tecs without reloading its for everybody impossible to get away in a vehicle. I think if ppl get in a vehicle they should have a lil chance to get at least some meters away with it.
This sawn/tec without reloading , if you do it propper destroys a new vehicle in 4 seconds.

Offline Hellweed

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2008, 04:30:13 PM »
errmm what abt this relading bug with other weps like combat shotty ... like do i have to shoot all 7 bullets ???

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2008, 05:06:59 PM »
OK may i summarize what i got from SUPERBADs posts:

  • There's no rule that says "Switching will immediately get u banned"
  • Switching will only get u banned if u really abuse it, to have an advantage by it
  • Everyone, intelligent enough to install, use and play SA:MP, should be intelligent enough to figur out, what (switching) actually gives him an advantage
  • The way I used the UZI-TO-SAWN-Switch is NOT seen as a big advantage and not bug-abusing

    thx  ;)
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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2008, 05:36:58 PM »
switching to sawns before reloading uzi is now against the rules?

Well u and all the admins better get on the same page here.

Because for ME i haven't ever shot all my uzi's and then switch.

And i fight like that in front of admins and with admins

they dont inforce that rule strongly.

They really only inforce it if u switch to uzi after not reloading sawns

and thats how it should be.

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2008, 05:43:14 PM »
well it's called bug abusing but some admins ban u if u switch even once which isn't bug abusing imo. Nor is c-bugging/2 shotting against a wall or stuff like that coz u don't get any advantage out of it what so ever.

Its not only the group or the 1:1 fight. If I shoot with sawns/tecs without reloading its for everybody impossible to get away in a vehicle. I think if ppl get in a vehicle they should have a lil chance to get at least some meters away with it.
This sawn/tec without reloading , if you do it propper destroys a new vehicle in 4 seconds.
Well imo that's a good thing so ppl can't run away from fights when they have low hp (hope this ain't the reason u're against switching ;)) unless u're a good driver. The same result can be archieved by shooting 4 rounds of sawnoffs to the car and then switching to m4 and finishing the car. U'll get as far as u'd get if someone switched to tecs/uzi instead of m4.
But if a car is driving past u switching doesn't help u, at all. It only helps when someone tries to run away from a fight with a car/bike but like I said u can do it with m4 too so it doesn't matter.

And I agree with Immortality, u really should clear up the bug abusing rules so that there wouldn't be any grey areas in them.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2008, 05:45:07 PM by [W]IDmad »

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2008, 05:44:42 PM »
I got your point but I just wanna know what things are classified as bug abusing? I know u won't allow switching with sawnoffs but can I shoot with my tecs/uzi and avoid the reload animation by switching?

The way you say it there means 'can I intentionally switch from uzi to sawn'
In my opinion that shouldn't be allowed, but the odd accident should be ignored
of course that's just my opinion

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2008, 05:48:51 PM »
I got your point but I just wanna know what things are classified as bug abusing? I know u won't allow switching with sawnoffs but can I shoot with my tecs/uzi and avoid the reload animation by switching?

The way you say it there means 'can I intentionally switch from uzi to sawn'
In my opinion that shouldn't be allowed, but the odd accident should be ignored
of course that's just my opinion
I'm saying that coz u can see that switching with tecs/uzi is the same thing as switching with sawnoffs, avoiding the reload animation. But for some reason it isn't allowed with sawnoffs but it is with other weapons. Adding a rule which would make switching with tec/uzi or deagle/m4 bannable would make the gameplay even worse than it already is.
Ofcourse everyone changes their weapons intentionally.

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2008, 05:58:00 PM »
i cant even be assed to read any of the above to be totally honest its all a load of shit in my eyes
but meh im lazy and opinionated and have pmt so w/e  :-*

if it aint what i wanna hear then dont say nothing at all x

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2008, 06:28:50 PM »
i cant even be assed to read any of the above to be totally honest its all a load of shit in my eyes
but meh im lazy and opinionated and have pmt so w/e  :-*

same here fuck off and leave me alone RAAAAAAR  :D


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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2008, 07:09:05 PM »
i cant even be assed to read any of the above to be totally honest its all a load of shit in my eyes
but meh im lazy and opinionated and have pmt so w/e  :-*

same -1 :D
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Offline [W]IDmad

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2008, 07:28:42 PM »
well I see u don't want to tell us the exact bug rules. Don't blame us then if we break them.

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2008, 09:35:44 PM »
hmm is the the car jack - killing bug allowed ???  :-*

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2008, 10:38:14 PM »
wow why does every one cry about the switch bug, JUST DONT DO IT. enough said.
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Offline [LW][KFJ]Zegro REPRESENT

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2008, 11:20:44 PM »
But for some reason it isn't allowed with sawnoffs but it is with other weapons.
I've seen people get banned for switching m4[IE: crimsonbinome]
maybe he was just under scrutiny as he had just come back from a switching ban anyway

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Offline [JOKER]sugar

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Re: Switching - another discussion
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2008, 01:27:06 AM »
wow why does every one cry about the switch bug, JUST DONT DO IT. enough said.

thre not necisarily doing that kmann thre discusiing the terms of what it actually is the boundries of it and what u can be banned for or kicked for

if it aint what i wanna hear then dont say nothing at all x