10. [SNES] Street fighter turbo, as far as i know there's like 10 street fighters on snes lol. this is probably the one i played most, i have fond memories of my brother hitting me and generally getting pissed off at me for always playing as E. Honda and repeatedly trapping him in a corner and using the Hundred Hand Slap attack
9. [PC] TF2, i wanna play this, and in fact all of the orange box more (only game i completed is portal
) and btw, sniper ftw
8. [PS1] mgs, epic game with epic storyline and epic music! fuck yeah!
7. [PS2/PS1] final fantasy series, done 8, 9, 10, 10 part 2 (10 PART 2 WAS SHIT!), and 12, i bought 7 recently for liek £3.00 but i cant find a memory card lol, 9 is the best
6. [PC] the sims/spore, i've classed them both as one thing cos i play both the same, make hideous mutants and kill them, in the sims i give them all 20 30 foot dicks and make them miles high and let them them drown in swimming pools, and in spore i made a goatse monster. nuff said. if you play 'properly' they all die anyway. still great games
5. [SNES] Super Mario Kart, snes is possibly the console i play most, right up to PS2 this was plugged into my living room tv, i now have 2 in my bedroom, and super Mario kart is probably the game i play most
4. [PS2] James Bond Nightfire, no one ever mentions this! i got this with my ps2 back in 2002 or something and i still play it with friends all the time (like 2 teams, 1 person on each team with 3 bots on max difficulty) and theres remote control tanks and planes
3. [PC] S.T.A.L.K.E.R shadow of Chernobyl, i thought this was just fucking epic! scary as hell and incredibly difficult as well lol
2. [GB/GBC/GBA] pokemon, i have 8 or more pokemon games so ill put them all in 1 place to avoid epic spem
only good rpg ever! and i actually did catch em all...many times!
1. [PS2/PC/PSP] gta series, vice city has the best single player and SA has the best multi player... unofficially but still
as you can see, no xbox 360 or ps3, since i don't have them :< but imo the ps2 was good enough, and its not plagued by annoying halo or 'gears' fan boys that have have gaming today a laughable mess imo. oh and at nemisis, blitzball was THE shit once you knew how to play it, half the time i played 10 i was playing blitzball. and yes, going by the length of this post, i have wayyy to much time on my hands