A lot of pictures here. Don't worry, they're categorized!
RACESMy car crashed during the race while I was the leading position. I tried to hitch back, but racers are
very unkind.

I was nicely squeezed at the start of this race, very cosy!

I was admiring my car, but Jenna blocked my view.
JOURNEYMe and Tweeney decided to 'get away from it all' for a little while, so we went on a journey. Off we went with our planes!

After we were done with those we got ourselves an infernus, and headed for the beach to discuss the important things in life.

One thing led to another...

After that we needed to cool down somewhere high.

Driving in 'cinemanic view' turned out to be difficult on the big rock. So I hitched on his car for a while.

After discussing the meaning of life, Tweeney couldn't take it anymore.
MISCELANIOUSPlane shooting my infernus, I thought it was a nice screenie.

I saw two pink infernusses driving, I joined them with my pink infernus.

I don't like the new car the admins added to the game. Very ugly.

Apparently laying dead on the counter makes people aggressive.

It's about time the Ammunation guy got himself an assistant. If he'd just stop asking if I'm "hard yet" I'll be one happy customer.

Road blocks aren't as good as they used to be. Much more creative though, I'll give 'em that.

And this was just weird to see.