How [V] are carrying on? Long time no see you, guys. jOjO, could you give me some update here?
Friskyyy! We've always been around since last time you saw the clan.
This just happened to be like my 2nd real break (2-3 weeks or OMG almost a month casually checking forums only) since the time you left or probably since 2008! My car's window got broken and the laptop got stolen after 2 Villuminati left

so it looks a bit dark for those who are not following, but these are just little spices. x) This month I'll finish some mess that was perfectly synced with these events, then I'll get a new laptop ... still optimistic! x)
but these are just 2-3 weeks on a personal level! Vs are around ingame without planned invasions.
It's really hard to summarize all the amazing times we had. It wouldn't have been possible without all the amazing people we've got throughout these times. Things went a bit more personal to a sick extent. xD We went on Teamspeak and I believe at one point many of us were talking to Vs more than we talked to people in real life.

I'll probably meet at least 1-2 Vs irl later on.
The clan has been doing amazing stuff, we've done countless invasions, our training server is the most active, and we've been the most active clan on the scale of 3 servers. Apart from numbers and all the fuss, I really enjoy being around with these epic people.
I love this screenshot because it captures the spirit of last few years (ask Vs about it!)
There're still more epic times to come! I'll send you a message on our forum to keep you updated about what's coming up (and to check some details). We'll definitely continue meeting like we usually do.