Stats Signatures
Example Signatures:Get a signature as that is very very easy, just copy and paste the following code:
Change NAME with your
registered LW LVDM name. and with styles you can chose one of the following list:
The example code of the first signature is:
Example Userbar:Get a userbar is very very similar, but the code changes a bit. It should be like this:
Change NAME with your
registered LW LVDM name. In styles you can chose one of the following list:
In TYPE, specify one of the following depending on the stats you would like to show:
- 1 - kills
- 2 - deaths
- 3 - ratio
- 4 - level
The example code of that userbar is:
Many thanks to Popz for the website hosting and helping me with parsing the info from the api to php
* Zamaroht Gives a bag of cookies to Popz
About the styles:Any gfx designer who would like to colaborate with new styles is welcome
There aren't restrictions with the size of the background, although we don't want a 1024x768 image as signatures, if you get what I mean :lol:
Would be nice if you could keep the signatures/userbars credit-free (I mean without any watermark with your name or bla, looks more cool for use), credits will be given to you in the styles list if your style gets accepted.
If you want to submit your style, first determine if it will be a signature or userbar:
Signatures:Make sure to submit three files:
- One without anything writen excepting Kills, Deaths and Ratio. example.
- One of the same image as above but showing example info (so I can know the placement of where you are thinking to place the stats). example.
- The ttf font you are using for display the stats. You will find it in WINDOWS/Fonts if you are using windows.
At the moment, in the signatures I'm incluiding:
- Name
- Kills
- Deaths
- Ratio
- Playing Time
- Player level
So include the placements of all this stats on the second image file.
Images can only be jpg or gif, in case you want to use transparency as in style 0 (not animated gifs).
Userbars:Make sure to submit three files:
- One without anything writen just make sure to write littlewhitey server or something like that. example.
- One of the same image as above but showing example info (so I can know the placement of where you are thinking to place the stats). example.
- The ttf font you are using for display the stats. You will find it in WINDOWS/Fonts if you are using windows.
Images will most likely be jpg, although you can send gifs too (not animated ones).
Well I think that's it, enjoy!