if someone would make another mp for GTA IV that dosen't even need a RGSC account and a GFWL account to play and removed all the dull shitty stuff rockstar put (ex. police, moving cars and peds to make us lag)......
btw why not make seperate servers for both games aside from transferring?
Kinda funny...as long as I can remember people have been complaining, crying and wanting sa-mp to have pedestrians, police... etc. and now when GTA IV mp has it...it's "dull shitty stuff". *waaaaaaaah remove it! my best compy 2005 can't run the game! I want old the old semi-deserted and lifeless town back!!!!*
Police, cars and pedestrians don't cause almost any lag to me... unless people expect the game to run +60 fps the whole time. The major lag I get is when some retard starts spamming horde of cars or ships into single spot with some retarded cheat.
The major problem is that Rockstar's developer-chimpanzees ran out of bananas when they were supposed to code proper admin system which would enable you to be able to control the server you created...though there's some mod which allows you to kick and ban people from your own server... but still proper admin system would be better.
It would die in a week, since there is not one fun thing to do in GTA IV mp.
Yeah and the major fail... no dedicated servers...that's damn retarded... I would had expected Rockstar to spy other mp games a little bit... Probably bananas ranning out again...
One of the things what makes sa-mp interesting are the different server communities. GTA IV doesn't have anything like that... the server stays online as long as there's one player in there and then disappeares. You almost never can return to the same server the next day...usually not even after few hours and there's no way to customize the game-modes. That's what makes GTA IV boring in the long run.
Getting proper anti-cheat system, admin system, dedicated servers and possibility to run custom game-modes would bring a lot more life into GTA IV. The engine and game world itself offers lots of things to do.