[V]SouthSider would like to present:
Ultimate TDMthis event as the title says is ultimate tdm think you got what it takes...
Rules are simple:
teams of 4 each member must have a captain and can be chossen members[as in members can be choosen freely]
it will be 3 rounds each match
1 rw 1 ww and the other is both if neccesary
team must win best 2 out of 3
to register just ask in this post and i will update
Prize:5 mill to winning members total of 10mill
Location:meat factory,and the other one is secret x)
GMT-05:00:at hmmm 4pm or 5 pm Date:next sunday
[UPDATE] it will be more than just sunday the more ppl sign up the higher the cash prize goes so i would sign up right away
ok well that is it i will update and tell you more info
1st prize:6mil
2nd prize:5mil
3rd prize:2mil
- [SMK]escot+najjar+kolaab
- hamdy+megan +famosiin
- xYhia[MA]+fuzzynuts2009+kacike
- Forgive + iShine+goggi
- [ExR]Starsky + [ExR]Hutch+[V]Hyp3r[HS]
- BiG_Sm0k3+ [V]Southsider + [V]NyJeTs[UB]
- [JOKER]Alvar + [uL]Slice + NiGHTM4RE
1st match:Forgive's team vs starksy's team
2nd match:Alvar's team vs xyahia's team
3rd match:Big smoke's team vs hamdys team
6 teams =6mil prize come on ppl sign up
Countdown To ultimate tdmhttp://www.cancunandrivieramaya.com/countdown/countdown.cgi<---link to countdown