A bigger amount of register money is an idea. ( $ 50,000 )
A choice of pistol weapons is also a good idea.
It still seems to be unclear ( despite the /help options ) for the new guys how the game really works.
they have indeed to be persistant because everybody tries to rape/kill/murder & take a big shit on eachother.
I personally leave some alone & admit killling some newbs I don't like but on the other hand I try to help & show around the newbes I do like.
I already spend millions on people allowing them to buy weapons & properties.
A real importnant part in teaching is information.
you can give a man a fish but when he eats the fish he got jack shit in de end.
he should learn to put the fish on the hook and try to catch a bigger fish.
The newbes should learn to grow.
thats the an importnant thing for people to stay longer, growing.
there already has a topic been made about new people
Peace all