Sorry Scott for going off-topic again, but Miczi, you are always saying how good the old system (only deagle and banks not saving) was for newbies and how bad the current system is for them, but if players spawn with only deagle and money is hard to make, newbies will always have only deagle, deagle and deagle, and even if regulars have only that same weapon too and aren't killing newbies all the time (because they chase the richest players), that doesn't prevent newbies from getting bored very soon because they cannot kill anybody (no matter if regulars don't kill them either). However, if there are good default weapons and money is easy to earn, newbies will have faster access to good weapons and better chances to kill, even if regulars have better weapons too.
Also, with the old system everyone was chasing the richest players instead of the newbies, but not always the richest players are the best fighters: for example I suck at fighting but if I wanna host a race I will have to carry much money and everyone would be chasing me. Also, if a rich player takes a Rustler, almost nobody will chase him.
In summary: for a new player it's funner to have good weapons and some chances to kill (even if his enemies have good weapons too and kill him sometimes), than everyone having shitty weapons and not being able to kill (even if he's not killed so often). The only advantage of the old system was that regulars weren't killing newbies all the time, but:
Newbie not killing anyone + nobody killing him = no action = bore
Whereas with the current system, although it has the problem of regulars killing newbies for stats, the situation is this:
Newbie killing some players + some players killing him = action = fun