Gryphus you say that you didn't expect this from me, but did you expect that I will accept Dom's suggestion?? I've always been against virtual worlds, recently I've started even thinking that it was better without the duel arena when you had to fight at V-Rock and everyone could fuck it up in any time... But nvm, maybe duel arena attracts more ppl.
And I'm also one of the few ppl who DON'T see rustlers to be the biggest problem of the server (maybe because I don't race too much). But I can imagine how annoying it can be to newbie to be destroyed by a rustler when he was going to win a race... I think that it's the best solution. It doesn't use virtual world, there is no rules that you can be banned for breaking and the rustlers are not fully removed.
However maybe there should be an option to start race without locking rustlers? Also if the R team don't want such suggestions to be accepted maybe they should make a declaration on the forum, that they will not destroy races?? But nah, I don't think that it would help, R are not the only one doing it.