Reset stats and give awards for best ratio of the week most kills on week or day or month etc.
Instant problem is stats pedders....
Though reset stats would be fun....
As an idea the main problem is no new players (cus of the gang bangs) so why not change the gm slightly - a TDM mode:
You would join and be given a team (same weps as now) and fight as teams
You would earn money and bank to get/buy more weapons
BUT you cannot choose your team - so you may fight against friends but there would not be a gang of regulars v a gang of newbs - it would be more fair as regs+new players fight regs and new players. (see where im going)
Could have multiple teams as well and there would be no "one db gang" "one reg gang" then the new players in the middle. It would force regulars to help and interact with new players possible keeping them on lws.
Make the turf the object (a nice objective) and create a few more turfs (perhaps a pirate ship?) to make the fights move along.
The basic elements would stay the same (i.e. DM and free roam, with a need for money). also decrease bank limit (to 1.5mil), reset stats.
well thats all from me