Okay after playing this game for a while now, I can't say I enjoy playing it very much.
The lag is terrible, the driving sucks, matchmaking sucks even harder (can't kill one single person in a mission), there's no way in knowing what weapon you should take, everything is so detailed and very hard to understand. Spawn locations when you die on a mission suck really bad, you always get faced away from the action. Tutorial missions suck because all they teach you is how to take a car and drive it..
Also it's impossible to hit someone when you are at a medium distance from your target. Also hit detection.. wtf? I just played a mission 1 on 1 with a guy, we spent like 2 mins shooting eachother, I saw hit marks everytime I shot at the guy and he just wouldn't die.
Why can't I change weapons when I'm in accuracy-mode?
Hotwiring a car.. First you have to press 'action' to hotwire it, then you have to press it again to actually enter the car. Every action is very time consuming. Kicking down a door stops the character, causing you to lose time, climbing a fence can be done smoothly but you have to hit the action button at the exact right time or you'll lose time by standing still and pressing it again. Mouse speed decreases in accuracy mode? wtfffff... This is really confusing because you're used to the mouse speed when you sprint or drive around, but when you're scoped it suddenly rotates much slower.
Missions are very confusing, the notifications aren't really eye-catching as they should be. You'll have to read teeny letters to actually know what your mission is. The stages constantly change which causes blips to move around on your map, without a notification. You need 4 pair of eyes to actually stay informed about everything that's going on, ammo levels (no health bar?), mission details, chat notifications etc.. And the lag.. ooooooh the lag..
The only thing I really like is the custom music player. And still they managed to make that complicated.
Another thing: the HUD is crammed with stuff I think I don't need. Top left corner some arrowtype meter which goes up and down.. Don't know what it's for, a green number and a red multiplier. Don't know what it's for. A radar which doesn't give me any information (no roads, no players no mission target markers), just cars & email boxes, why do I need that?
Bottom left: Chatbox which spams alot of stuff, so I don't bother to read it anymore. An email counter, which marks your new emails. Emails which are WAAAAAAAAY to long to be spending time on reading, (why do I need so much info?), not a decent interesting email or game information which could actually help, just some bullshizzle from characters or contacts.
Edit: After playing some more I realised that the camera following when you drive a car actually makes me noxious. Even when you just used your mouse to set the camera straight it still swings around when you make a turn. I also noticed that after a while a car which you ar shooting just vanishes (and it's not even that far). + Explosions make my sound go berserk.