I sold my PS3 now alongside with all games, before it totally runs out of value and before I smash it. The dualshock 3 is already taped and fixed with giant metal screws
. I have gotten quite good at fixing these things xD
GTA V was awesome for a certain amount of time, but in the end nothing but annoying. The race system started to annoy me the most. My race stats are 460 wins (= 1st place) and 160 loses (= not 1st place), okay probably about 200 loses considering the unbearable situations I ragequitted. However.. my stats scared the hell out of people, most of all because I mainly used an Adder, which most people are too useless to handle so they use the Entity with far better handling but a tiny disadvantage in top speed.
Many of them left the game right before the race started because thats the only time you can actually see a persons win/loss ratio. Really.. 30 seconds before the race started they gave up and waited another 5 min until the next race got going
But why did I sell all the PS3 then you may be asking now. The answer is quite simple:
The better you become, the bigger your desire to win becomes and the more you will be pissed off to lose. And I simply couldn't stand it any longer that some people were only able to stay behind me because they constantly drove in slipstream during the ENTIRE race. When I was able to get them out of slipstream range, the catch-up feature came into effect so I was never able to lose them entirely, unless they were completly useless. In long races you can drive a perfect lap and people who did 5 crashes during the race are still able to win. Even if all players used the same car.
So motherfucking annoying.
In additon to that, the hacking has become a really big deal too. Unbelievably many people are already Level 200+, which 95% of them should not be capable to achieve even in a year. I am not even level 150 with those stats. Glitched tanks everywhere, but even worse: Health hackers who can't be killed in any way and, how could it be different, money hackers who send you millions of cash and ruin your entire fairplay achievements. You can't get rid of the cash. No /charity and also a limit for non-hackers of how much cash they can send. You can only ask the rockstars support to remove the cash from you.
Or the tl_dr; version: It is getting easier to win for people who do not deserve it and its getting harder to win for people who do deserve it.